"The pace of life feels morally dangerous to me." — Richard Ford, novelist.
And as for the quote, how true it sounds in todays unstable tommorows. I realize I have good company in living life at this frenetic pace. In fact, this sort of life is increasingly the rule rather than the exception. that the average U.S. worker in 2006 worked nearly a month more than he or she did in 1969. Of course, the distinction between working and not working has diminished, too. you're expected to be on call at all times—and you feel guilty about taking a break from your smart phone-driven, perpetual time."Now, it often seems, there is no 'gone for the weekend.' There is certainly no 'gone for the night.' Sometimes there's not even a gone on vacation. . . . I don't think the notion that we have to be constantly plugged in is just in our heads: I think it's also in the heads of your superiors, your colleagues, your future employers and your prospective employees." Forget smelling the proverbial roses,( oh, how good they smell) we're so busy sprinting from point A to point B—with our cellphones and Kindles and iPads, e-mailing and texting and Tweeting—we don't even spot the roses in the first place. We have become a nation of "Judges", Political junkies, Political anaylsts', Propaganda of false self centered indictments, on subjects we have no knowledge on and can not change, like the card players in DC, at the expense of "We the People's" (our)monies bet with high stakes, for their own pockets, and leaving the American Main Street resident broke and fearful of fear of the unknown tommorow. It is time to slow down and search our souls and mind. We need a change in the way we see ourselves in the mirror every morning, and ask ourselves, will I argue with the people who do not see things my way, or shall I take their insults on my convictions, with 3 grains of salt, followed by a shot of tequila. Our differenses in our email corespondence, will accomplish nothing, but make us mad at the world. We elected a President, and by we I mean, the majority, that has tried for over 18 months, to undo alot of damage that was inherited. I think for those of us who consider ourselves experts at everything, it is time to start thinking positively rather than negatively. We are fighting, what could be justified as an internet Civil War. We can not change the current state of our nation's affairs at this time, but we can in November, so why make ourselves so miserable and hateful to one another, for something we can not change today. As an Hispanic American, I am tired of getting emails from people who blame our economy on the illegal immigration, but what we fail to realize, is that all illegal immigrants are not from our southern border. We have illegal immigration from Canada, Haiti, Africa, India, China and every other countries and continents from around the world. We are seeing the elected Democrats, afraid of taking chances for the good of the nation. And then we have the Republicans, that have all agreed to disagree with anything that is good for all. It has become a party of "NO", and that NO Game, is affecting all of us Americans. The GOP, has lost that credibility they once stood for, and are now the joke of every nightly show, associated with the TEA Party, gets no more comical than that. Chicken Bartering for Medical services, S&M Bar parties. Even the once eyeing the 2012, GOP Presidential nomination, has lost all credibility within his own party. No other than Newt Gingrish, whose ex-wife(s), have exposed him for his true moral beliefs. Like Newt says, Do as I say, and not what I do. The Democrats, are in trouble with me too, but the only way I can show my discontent, is in the elections, I will solve no problems by being part of the Internet Civil War, I might not even make a difference in Nov., but I will have the satisfaction of exercising one right I still have, I will Vote. I am emailed daily from friends on the Right, about the illegal immigration. What they don't seem to realize, that I too am for immigration reform. I understand that we as Americans, can not afford to pay for citizens dissatisfied with their homeland. I know our resources can not sustain our own, let alone citizens from all over the world looking for the once known, The Promised Land......My Country the USA. I believe that many of our fears of government are based on having a well educated Black man as, Commander-in-Chief, we would not be witnessing the hate we see today if a lily white man without the credential of this President was in office. I have never in my life time have experienced the hate I see today. Hate that is brewed from ignorance. The type of ignorance of the southern white supremacist, who wants to take back America and believes America was founded by the white, when all along, they must of missed the history lesson, of who the true American is. If we were to do away with all decendants of the invaders of this land, we call home, very few of us would be left. And I don't think too many white skinned people would be left. In 2012, my vote will go to Obama, that is a right afforded me by the US Constitution. This man have proven to me as an accomplisher with many road blocks, but he has not given up on restoring the American Dream.
Fred Herrera
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