We are headed into an American Revolution. As the prank call to Gov. Walker (R) Wisconsin, clearly states. The Wisconsin, short fall has nothing to do with the budget, and everything to do with destroying the "Middle Class". A song by Helen Reddy, comes to mind" You and Me against the World". These Politicians, mostly Republican, are puppets on a string for the filthy rich. Their orchastrated agenda is to destroy the basic fabric that our country has been based on. It is like history during slavery where American owned slaves. In this case rather than slaves it is puppets on a string destroying the American Middle Class, for the greed of a few. The Koch Brothers, and all of the others that hold the strings are manpulating these puppets to do away with worker's rights, and everything to do with granting the huge tax breaks and the deregulation of certain industries, that help these large corporations. The war against the Unions, is a war with the regular working American. If not for the Unions, we would not have what is enjoyed by the working American..the 40 hr. work week. The fairness in pay to all Americans, not only Union members but to American as a whole. I have said all along that the GOP, would strangle itself in their own greed web, and that is what we see happening today. America, has lost it's democracy base. We are now at the mercy of the likes of Governor's like Walker and our own unstable Republican Rick Perry. It is coming to the point of the "Have" and "the Have Nots". We as Americans need to come together in 2012, and show these Bastards that "We the People" is who they represent, and not the 2%, who line their pockets in return for a corrupt representation in DC; Wheather Democrat or Republican, we must vote for the democracy we have enjoyed in our life time. Obama, is doing a great job and is constantky being demonized by the "Right". I can not tell you if it is out of IGNORANCE or PREJUDISM. But if we Americans do not wake up to reality soon, we will see another Civil War in our own back yards....The GOP vs America....What a shame.
There is nothing new to what we are seeing today in Wisconsin. The destruction of the Middle Class, started back during the Reagan Administration, when again the FILTHY RICH, got all the tax breaks ever given to such a small percentage of the American tax payer. For those of us who consider ourselves "Middle Class", think again. The GOP, is paying back their rich campaign donors like the Koch Brothers. What is happening in Wisconsin, is an orchastrated effort to have two classes of Americans, What used to be known as the Middle Class, will soon be known as the Scum Class, if we let these Republicans have it their way. Unions are credited to of brought the 40 hour work week to America. The overtime pay. Now the Republicans, are tearing at the fabric of America. I advised everyone I talked to, to VOTE WISELY, this past November. I did not tell anyone who to vote for just to make sure their vote was not out of fraustration. For those of us who voted wisely, for those of us that voted out of fraustration, now is the time to come together and fight for the fabric of our NATION, the working American. Soon the Scum Class, will be paying for all of the tax credits given to the rich. Gov. Walker, was well funded by the Koch Brothers, and it is time to pay the PIPER....Think about how many Republican's owe their election or re-election to the likes of the Koch Brothers, FOX Network.....and the list goes on and on. Too many Pipers, are owned by the forementioned. And now for the rest of the story......
Republican Governors are standing together with one of their own through a new website backing embattled Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Pay attention Texas Union members, Active and Retirees have an unhill battle with Rick Perry. He is taking sides with Walker. Soon Perry, will follow suit and strip the very fabric of America. Without the power of collective bargaining the Unions will take the BS, Perry, is getting ready to unleash on the Middle Class. There will be two classes in America the second class citizens ( That is now the middle class ) and the big dollar contributors for the election that will benefit the big corporations, where without the power of the Unions, will hire at minimum wage. To the GOP, middle class is made up of second class citizens. I asked everyone to vote wisely, but I sure as hell was not expecting the demonizing of the American Unions. What these Republican Governors, are doing is trying to take America at the expense of the middle class. They must satisfy their rich contributors for the office they were voted for. As I said before it is time for these Republicans, to pay back the PIPER, for their re/election. We middle class are no more than scum and a burden to America. Remeber that the Koch brothers, were the largest contributors to the GOP Governors fund. For those with only a high school education, be aware that what is to come next is the lowering of the minimum wage. I honestly fear an American Revolution, where it is every Americans' right to work against the GOP. Ask yourself, who do I know that will now be considered a second class citizen, as defined by the GOP..........
As protests continue in Wisconsin over Walker's proposal to curb collective bargaining rights for unions, the Republican Governors Association has launched Stand With Scott -- a website that's also tied to Walker's Facebook page and Twitter accounts. More than 3,000 people said they "like" the page as of 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is getting support from fellow GOP governors in his stance against unions. Gov. Rick Perry, chairman of the GOP governors' group, leads the list of state chief executives praising Walker and his efforts to tackle the state's budget woes by challenging public employee unions and their pension and benefit costs.
Perry said Walker "is in the middle of what will be a defining moment for our country and the conservative movement." Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, vice chairman of the RGA, said Walker is taking the "tough, but necessary, steps to balance the books in Wisconsin and get the state's fiscal house in order."
The site also features testimonials from Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (Bubba) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.
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